... kommer att ?ngra detta när ogräset tar sig men det struntar jag i! Ska bara tänka ut den perfekta placeringen... Syster S är hemma nu i n?gra dagar. Med andra ord har jag smakat tv? chokladkakor när jag var i Jonsryd i fredags!
Does anyone really need to know that this is "JonsRyd"? Don't worry, Jon, I wasn't confusing it with my own ride. PLPs are clearly a way for narcissists to waste money while feeding their self importance. So, I would like to do a little ...
Does anyone really need to know that this is "JonsRyd"? Don't worry, Jon, I wasn't confusing it with my own ride. PLPs are clearly a way for narcissists to waste money while feeding their self importance. So, I would like to do a little ...